Kenya-Spikes Estate-Kiambu SL28 Washed 200g

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The Kagumo factory is operated by the Mutira Farmer Cooperative Society, which is the umbrella cooperative overseeing several regional coffee factories including Kagumo, Mutitu, and Kiangundu among others; there are around 4,000 members who are part of the whole society.

Coffees in Kenya are typically traceable to the factory level, where smallholder farmers deliver cherry for sale and processing. Producers deliver their cherry and receive payment based on weight at the market level for the day. After the coffee is received by the F.C.S., it is sorted and processed into lots that are built by quantity, so it is nearly impossible to know which farmers' coffees end up in which particular lot. Because of the very small average farm size, there is typically no way to keep more-detailed records at the factory level, without adding miles of paperwork and delay.This is one of the reasons it is difficult to find highly traceable coffees from Kenya.


Kiambu is the highest-producing region in Kenya due to its high rainfall and cooler temperatures in the highlands, and its history of coffee and tea trade. The region is 40% rural and 60% urban, with a mixture of smallholder producers and larger plantations. The region is divided into four topographical zones containing three soil types. Most of the coffee production is in the uplands which are rich in red volcanic soils. This area is famous for providing the world with the distinctive cup profile of acidic, grapefruit-tasting coffee.